But that's ok! Atleast I am getting SOME things on here! :)
Has anyone tried any of the recipes? Post comments, or let me know! I really would love the feed back!!! Good or bad, I can take it! :)
Okay, so chicken. I usually buy the big pack at BJ's of boneless, skinless chicken breasts.
They are nice there because they are "freezer-ready". BUT I don't usually just cook a whole chicken breast.
So I will put all the chicken in a big pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Some people bring the water to a boil first, then add the chicken, but I usually put to much water in, then it overflows and boils over. Not usually a pretty site!
So once your chicken has come to a boil, keep it boiling for 30-45 minutes. I turn my chicken every now and then, just to make sure it isn't sticking to the bottom of the pan. You don't need to stand there either and watch it, just make sure once it comes to a boil that it won't boil over and if it looks like it will, just turn it down a bit...
Oh, once you put your pot of chicken on the stove, make sure you pick up the bottom pieces of chicken, it likes to suction itself to the bottom of the pan, then it gets stuck, again, not a pretty stick, or fun thing to clean!
I take my tongs and pick a piece and kinda break it to see if it's done, depending on how many pieces you have, 30 minutes may be long enough, other times, you need it for the full 45 minutes.
Turn the burner off and let sit for 15-20 minutes.
Take a chicken breast out of the pan, place on a cutting board and cut in desired pieces.
I like to just put it in little sandwich baggies as I go along, I don't measure how much I put in. Most recipes call for a cup or 2, so you could put 1 cup in every baggie if you want. I just put in how much I would normally add to a chicken recipe.
Then I put all the sandwich baggies in a big gallon size and then place in freezer.
It's very easy to pull out a bag at a time! ;)
Place chicken breasts in pan
Place enough water in to cover the tops. You want to make sure there is enough water in there so the chicken will stay covered while boiling, but not too much where it will overflow once it starts to boil. This is where you will want to watch it to make sure it won't boil over, if it does, take a glass and get some water out. Once it starts to boil, you can just let it, as long as you know it won't boil over!
Place somewhat cooled chicken on cutting board
Cut up chicken ready to be placed in baggies!
By the way, I do the same thing with hamburger (Or if you use ground turkey, same thing), I brown it all, drain it, cool it, place in baggies. If I want meatballs, I'll make a double batch when I make them, place half in the oven to cook, or however I decide to cook them, then the others on a waxed paper covered cookie sheet, into the freezer, then once you know they will keep their shape and are half frozen, place in gallon size baggie, back into the freezer.